Kate Cha
Founder & Master Instructor

 Certified NASM Personal Trainer
Certified Pilates Teacher by Club Pilates
RYT 200 Certified Yoga Teacher

RYT 500 Certified Yoga Teacher
Certified Meridian Yoga Therapist

Psychological Counselor
Fitness Coach & Model

Registered Yoga Coach at


Who is Kate Cha?

Kate Cha is a certified NASM Personal Trainer
and completed RYT 200, RYT 500 yoga teacher certificate courses
and Certified Pilates Teacher by Club Pilates
and has been been a yoga enthusiast for her whole life.

Please feel free to contact Kate if you have any questions 🙂

Contact info: 
333 Bergen Blvd
Fairview NJ 07022

Tel: (551) 232-4972
Email: yogameetsfitness@gmail.com